A Basic Guide On Unviewing An Instagram Story

how to unview an instagram story

Instagram Stories provide users a fun and new way to share engaging but ephemeral content with their followers. Stories Story posts are images, videos and rich engaged elements which vanish following 24 hours. There are instances, nevertheless, while you may wish to withdraw having seen an Instagram Tale. Instagram itself does not actually provide an option to “unview” a story after you have seen it, but digging into the mechanics and options available will help you along your way. This guide will cover different approaches and details about how to handle Instagram Stories.

Instagram Stories Explained

Instagram Stories Instagram The most popular photo-based social network has long been Snapchat, but once it was copied by Facebook (using an app that belongs to another) the giant of Mark Zuckerberg did not want problems with piracy and also brought some incredible features. They are in a slideshow style on top of the Instagram feed, and depending upon your privacy settings — they could be accessed by anyone with access to profile. The account owner is noticed that you browsed Story and recognized immediately your username as a person who viewed it.

The Unview Challenge: Viewing a Story

Instagram does not have a native feature it allows you to unview already seen story. As soon as you have seen a Story, your name is added to the list of viewers and there are no sanctioned ways to eliminate it. There are a number of strategies that you can use, however:

1. Unsubscribe Your View Using Blocking and Unblocking

One way to successfully un-view a story is by the block and then immediately unblocking again. Blocking someone temporarily removes these interactions (including story views) from the blocked account. Here’s how to do it:

  • Block the User: In order to make their story unhighlight, access to profile of this person. Click on the three dots (More options) and Block. Confirm the action.
  • Step 23: Give it a Few Seconds A block will take effect after some moments was what I discovered. This will take some time.
  • Unblock the User: Reopen that profile, click on three dots and choose “Unblock”. Confirm the action again.

These steps should have removed your view from the viewer list. The only thing is this they will never ever see any action of yours and also stories view even if you do unblock them in future.

2. Replay the Story from Another Account
  • If you own more than one account, or maybe youre able to get onto a friends accounts then watch the story that way because I guarantee it is worth another go. (just make sure for both of these methods keep spoilers off) Follow this and it will not remove your own view but also save you from more exposure to yourself through the main account as well.
  • Accounts: Log out of the main Instagram account and log into another one, or ask a friend to use their account
  • Watch the story: Go to his profile and see it in there.
  • Return to Your First Account: Switch back over you your main account after watching with the other one. Note that this does not unview the original story, but it will reduce visibility.
3. Change Your Privacy Settings
  • Sure, this doesn’t really remove a story view but can keep people from seeing your engagements (by changing privacy settings):
  • Switch Your Account to Private: Go into settings on your profile and then switch it to private. So that your interactions are viewable only to selected followers.
  • Control Your Followers: Remove certain followers that may have seen your opinions. This will help to suppress your activity.
4. Contact Instagram Support

If all else fails, or if you have a serious concern and the previous solutions are not applicable- please feel free to contact Instagram´s support team. Explain your situation and ask for any help you can get. While they may not have a direct solution to get stories off of your view list, this page can be used as an example or tip based on the current policies and features available.

Instagram Stories Dos and Donts

  • WATCH: Think Twice Before Watching A Story This can prevent the awkwardness.
  • Tip 8 — Use Instagram Features Carefully: Close friends lists are your friend, but so is a private account.
  • Stay updated: Since Instagram policy and features changes return fast. Keep updated with the kind of new updates get released that can alter how stories are managed, as well views.


There are no features to unview a story on Instagram directly, but my tips can help you optimize your interactions better. These techniques like Blocking and unblocking, changing privacy settings can help you use Instagram Stories wisely. Awareness & options of what you can now do if this situation does arise to help protect your social media presence.

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